It's that battery again.....

Faults and Technical chat for the Nissan Ariya
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Post by PeteTranter'sSister »

Hmm, you may remember my last post from November about my 12V battery discharging overnight whilst waiting for a cheap rate electric night charge. The battery was replaced by Nissan at the 12-month service in December.

For the past 3 months no problems, then on Sunday night/Monday morning I had set the usual overnight charge, only to awake Monday morning to find the 12V battery nearly flat and no overnight charge. I managed to lithium battery jump start the software brain to pull the charging plug out and then managed to get the software to start to charge the 12V. So not a complete disaster.

When the man from Japan arrives on a push bike with my replacement electric seat heater element, he's been travelling since December, then the car will go in and I will yet again berate my Nissan Dealer for the 12V battery situation. I suspect it's something to do with the internal movement sensors but who knows. The fact that a car packed with sensors can't tell you when the 12V is discharging or why it's discharging or when it's flat is pretty poor.

Fantastic car, shite user interface, shite software, poor Nissan support,


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Post by Cosmyc »

The Ariya checks every 4 hours the 12V battery voltage, if it is below 11V it charges it, even if the voltage is good after several 4 hours checks the car charges the 12V battery anyway each 24 hours for ~10 minutes, as long as the high voltage battery hasn't low SoC.

Can't see this as pretty poor.
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Post by Milkfloat »

I have never got to grips with the logic for the 12 volt battery in my Ariya. Lead acid battery chemistry does have some detailed variations but the ordinary low-cost unit is fully charged at circa 13.6 volts, is 50% charged at about 12 volts and is flat at 11.0 volts. If I check mine, it generally tests about 12 volts, sometimes a little lower. Why is it held at such low SOC? My wife's Evoque PHEV holds the battery fully charged which is what I would expect. Lead acid batteries last longer when fully charged and letting them drop towards 11 volts damages them. Anyone have a good explanation?
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