12v battery discharge again

Faults and Technical chat for the Nissan Ariya
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:40 pm

Post by DAYORK »

I hope i am not tempting fate, I got my ariya in June 24 as a demo with 10k on it. Love the car and i think its underrated compared to some makes i looked at. The probs. i have had so far was a tapping like a loose seat fitting in the rear, which was fixed, the alarm going off which several of you have had, again fixed and no problem since. Recall from Nissan to have a shim kit fitted and the current nissan call back for the wired software update. I also hate the terms and conditions button, and why cant the car start in the settings you leave it in, ie eco, B for example

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